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KDF——Konjac Blended - 成都协力魔芋科学种植加工园有限公司

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KDF——Konjac Blended

    Dietary fiber is one of the 7 essential nutrients for human body.  Konjac, a low-calories, low-protein, low-vitamin, but a unique vegetable food contains high soluble dietary fiber – KGM, it is therefore the best supplement of dietary fiber to balance the nutrition of human body.

    KDF—Konjac Blended, is a newly launched quick soluble product based on the konjac dietary fibers.  It is specially formulated by adding the soy protein, semen coicis and yam as the nutritional value to konjac as konjac contains high fibers but nearly no calories. This product has no fishy odor or astringent taste of the original konjac powder that is produced by the traditional method.  And its total dietary fiber is up to 40%.     
■ Special Characteristics:
1. Dietary fiber content up to 40%,
2. Specially formulated to obtain both the dietary fiber and also other necessary nutritions to achieve the nutrition balance.
3. Smooth mouth feeling and slightly sweet taste.
■ Direct to Use:
1. Take one sachet (4g) of the product and slowly pour into 200ml~250ml warm or hot water while stirring. Then take it after it is fully dissolved and swelled. Moreover, you can add some dried fruit, oatmeal, honey, sugar, a pinch of salt, pickle grain, etc. according to individuals’ favor.  Then, it tastes better.
2. Take one sachet (4g) of this product and slowly pour into 400ml~500ml bottled drink or mineral water while constantly shaking, then you can take it while the product is full dissolved and swelled.
■Take it three times per day, best to take it half hour before meals.

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